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Improving Animal Productivity
For Smallholder Farmers

Using AgCoTech's medicated Block technology along with our farmer education program, positive gains in farmer household wealth can be achieved.

In real terms, one additional litre of milk per day per family has a profound effect on a child's nutrition. One extra buffalo calf has the equivalent value of a year's working wage in less developed nations.


Herd emissions


Buffalo herds now produces 200tn less CO2e


Milk production has improved by 30%

Case study

Laos – Farmer benefit story

The emission control blocks being distributed for FREE across villages in Laos, have been specifically formulated to help improve the condition of the animals particularly during the dry season.

Details and video

Ear-tagged cattle

MDH Pastoral

An Australian Story

MDH Pty Ltd is one of Australia's largest beef cattle operations, unique in the fact that the company is both family owned and operated. The McDonald family represents seven generations of beef producers and 190 years of experience in Australian agriculture. 12 With a wide geographical spread of country in Australia's vast Queensland outback, MDH Pty Ltd runs 150,000 head of cattle across 14 properties, encompassing an irrigated farm and the company owned "Wallumba" feedlot on the Western Darling Downs.

Since 2019, MDH, AgCoTech Australia, and Ternes Scientific have conducted a project that was designed to reduce methane emissions from beef cattle. The project focussed on new feed supplementation systems. MDH and AgCoTech are continuing the development of feed supplements that can be used in future livestock methane direct abatement methodologies, thereby benefiting the Australian beef industry. We are proactively supporting the Livestock Emissions Carbon Farming Working Group towards a feed supplement/additive methodology.

- Julie McDonald, MDH Pastoral (part of Australian Livestock Emissions Carbon Framing Working Group)


Case study

Herd emissions


Reduction in Methane Emission Intensity



% Uplift in weaning

Partnered with

Business Partnerships Platform
Australian Government Department Of Foreign Affairs And Trade
Laos Government
The University Of Sydney
4 Season

"We have a received some blocks from the project and now our cattle look healthier and grow faster. Before the emission control blocks it was difficult to bring the cattle home at night, today they return home more easily because they know the emission control blocks are waiting for them."

- Mr. Lae, Farmer from Nongchong Village

"Rural Aid is proud to offer our primary producers a range of tools to help them get out of a tight spot. Lick blocks are now a part of a Rural Aid toolkit that also contains financial assistance, hay deliveries, counselling sessions, water tanks and water deliveries. In addition to the traditional benefits associated with supplement feeding, these AgCoTech lick blocks have the added advantage of reducing methane emissions from grazing livestock."

- John Warlters, CEO, Rural Aid

"AgCoTech's approach is unique - with a focus not only on reducing emissions, but also positively impacting the social and economic circumstances of Laotian farmers, and improving animal welfare. There must be real and meaningful action to preserve this planet, and our partnership with AgCoTech will allow us to contribute."

- Lance Pollard, Managing Partner, Bennett & Philp Lawyers

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